For Sale
Akaushi Bulls

All bulls sold from Sixteen Peaks are full-blooded, which is DNA verified by the American Akaushi Association.

If you’re looking for an option to gain premiums from your cow herd, this is a great opportunity! Akaushi cattle have been crossed with many other cattle breeds including Black Angus and Herefords. Each time they produced, the quality grade doubled and the yield improved.

Benefits of

A calf crop with 50% Akaushi genetics will be eligible for many marketing options that will provide an increased return on investment for commercial ranchers. This is because Akaushi bulls allow you to produce beef with marbling qualities that will consistently grade high in USDA standards.

Here is what you can expect when you purchase a Deer Run Akaushi bull:

  • Full-blood purebred Akaushi bull
  • American Akaushi Association DNA verification
  • Evidence of a passed a breeding soundness exam.

To make a Deer Run Akaushi bull your next herd sire contact the team at  to arrange a ranch visit.